This major group includes establishments primarily engaged in rendering services, not elsewhere classified, to business establishments on a contract or fee basis, such as advertising, credit reporting, collection of claims, mailing, reproduction, stenographic, news syndicates, computer programming, photocopying, duplicating, data processing, services to buildings, and help supply services. Establishments primarily engaged in providing engineering, accounting, research, management, and related services are classified in Major Group 87. Establishments which provide specialized services closely allied to activities covered in other divisions are classified in such divisions.
Major Group 73: Business Services
Record count: 2,437,414
Additional Industry Groups Included in this Major Group
7310 - Advertising
- 7311: Advertising Agencies
- 7312: Outdoor Advertising Services
- 7313: Radio, Television, and Publishers' Advertising Representatives
- 7319: Advertising, Not Elsewhere Classified
7320 - Consumer Credit Reporting Agencies, Mercantile
7330 - Mailing, Reproduction, Commercial Art And Photography, and Stenographic Services
- 7331: Direct Mail Advertising Services
- 7334: Photocopying and Duplicating Services
- 7335: Commercial Photography
- 7336: Commercial Art and Graphic Design
- 7338: Secretarial and Court Reporting Services
7340 - Services To Dwellings And Other Buildings
- 7342: Disinfecting and Pest Control Services
- 7349: Building Cleaning and Maintenance Services, Not Elsewhere
7350 - Miscellaneous Equipment Rental And Leasing
- 7352: Medical Equipment Rental and Leasing
- 7353: Heavy Construction Equipment Rental and Leasing
- 7359: Equipment Rental and Leasing, Not Elsewhere Classified
7360 - Personnel Supply Services
7370 - Computer Programming, Data Processing, And Other Computer Related Services
- 7371: Computer Programming Services
- 7372: Prepackaged Software
- 7373: Computer Integrated Systems Design
- 7374: Computer Processing and Data Preparation and Processing Services
- 7375: Information Retrieval Services
- 7376: Computer Facilities Management Services
- 7377: Computer Rental and Leasing
- 7378: Computer Maintenance and Repair
- 7379: Computer Related Services, Not Elsewhere Classified
7380 - Miscellaneous Business Services
CPM: Starting at $50/M