Establishments primarily engaged in the purchase, sale, and brokerage of securities; and those, generally known as investment bankers, primarily engaged in originating, underwriting, and distributing issues of securities. Establishments primarily engaged in issuing shares of mutual and money market funds, unit investment trusts, and face amount certificates are classified in Industry Group 672. Establishments primarily engaged in providing investment advice on a contract or fee basis to establishments which deal in financial contracts are classified in Industry 6282.
- Agents for mutual funds
- Bond dealers and brokers
- Distributors, security
- Floor traders, security
- Investment bankers
- Investment certificates, sale of
- Investment firm-general brokerage
- Mineral leases, dealers in
- Mineral royalties, dealers in
- Mortgages, buying and selling (rediscounting)
- Mutual fund agents
- Mutual funds, selling by independent salesperson
- Note brokers
- Oil and gas lease brokers
- Oil royalties, dealers in
- Option dealers, stock
- Sale of partnership shares in real estate syndicates
- Security brokers
- Security dealers
- Security flotation companies
- Security traders
- Security underwriters
- Stock brokers and dealers
- Tax certificate dealers