Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing intermediate or long-term general and industrial credit, including the finance leasing of automobiles, trucks, and machinery and equipment. Included in this industry are private establishments primarily engaged in extending agricultural credit. Federal and federally-sponsored credit agencies primarily engaged in extending agricultural credit are classified in Industry 6111. Establishments primarily engaged in other types of leasing of passenger cars and trucks are classified in Industry Group 751.
- Agricultural loan companies
- Automobile finance leasing
- Credit institutions, agricultural
- Farm mortgage companies
- Finance leasing of equipment and vehicles
- General and industrial loan institutions
- Intermediate investment “banks”
- Investment companies, small business
- Livestock loan companies
- Loan institutions, general and industrial
- Machinery and equipment finance leasing
- Pari-mutuel totalizator equipment finance leasing and maintenance
- Production credit association, agricultural
- Truck finance leasing