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Introducing Ailments & Medical Conditions Database from Infinite Media

Introducing Ailments & Medical Conditions Database from Infinite Media

Posted by Steven Sheck, President, Infinite Media

October 15, 2018

The Ailments & Medical Conditions Database from Infinite Media reaches a responsive opt-in audience of proactive, health conscious consumers who suffer from a long list of medical issues. Ours is a versatile, valuable mailing list of internet savvy users who seek ailment information online that most closely matches their symptoms. They have expressed specific interest in receiving information about treatment options via direct mail AND email. View The Datacard.

Target Opt-In Consumers Who Have Provided Detailed Information about Their Ailments & Medical Conditions

The list of ailments & medical conditions users have indicated is comprehensive. Whether or not an individual has been ‘Diagnosed by a Doctor’ is a key question users have answered. They have also specified if they are currently taking prescription or OTC medications. This information goes a long way to qualifying prospects according not only to what they suffer from, but how relevant and appropriate offers to them can be.

The audience is primarily mid-life or older females who are typically affluent, educated, and responsible for decision making in household health affairs. They regularly search for a wide variety of health-related editorial content to inform them about common medical ailments, conditions and other chronic health concerns. Relevant health and medical information is valued by them to improve their daily lifestyles by treating their ailments and conditions.

The Ailments & Medical Conditions database includes issues ranging from acid reflux and allergies, to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, MS, osteoporosis, and many, many more.

This database is well suited to offers for financial products including retirement products, estate planning, insurance, home modifications, caregiving services, and transportation services. Also, the spectrum of products and services that are consistent with this audience’s lifestyle and concerns.

For more about this exciting resource, call Jeffrey Hudes at (914) 948-8300 x125, or contact us.

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