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Mobile Data Multiplies Reach

Mobile data for greater direct marketing reach

Posted by Steven Sheck, President, Infinite Media

August 4, 2019

Mobile phone – particularly smartphone – usage among business persons has become virtually ubiquitous. The need to be connected any time, anywhere is the norm. In addition, as with the ability to reach executives at home, mobile reach allows another means of having rich one to one interactions in a more focused environment. It is no wonder then that mobile phone numbers are now available from a select group of B2B databases. Among them is the U.S. Business Database With Mobile From D&B. Similar files are based on UCC Filings and Merchant Cash Advance data

There are a number of solid reasons to include mobile reach as part of a B2B campaign. They begin with statistics (Pew Research):

  • Overall mobile phone ownership is at 96%
  • Smartphone ownership by age ranges from 96% (18-29) to 92% (30-49, to 79% (50-64)
  • 91% of college graduates own a smartphone
  • 95% of those earning more than $75,000 per year own a smartphone

Then there are the reasons regarding communication, productivity and team building. Members of a business team may be remote from one another, but using the multi-tasking capabilities of smartphones, they can engage in back and forth debate while simultaneously using mobile productivity and ideation apps. If they cannot be “together” in real time, resources exist that allow for conflicting schedules and time zones. Ideas can be shared and updated over time. Team members can collaborate sequentially, be surveyed and achieve consensus.

Mobile Data: The Nexus Of Direct Marketing Channels

Those same benefits accrue to direct marketing. With mobile data the handoff from phone call to text, email, web browsing, and e-commerce becomes more direct. Mobile data can untether desktop-bound direct mail campaigns to include I.P. targeting and digital advertising. Engagement with marketing messages is encouraged, freed from the constraints of the office. Well targeted offers to decision makers can be effectively personalized. However contacts want to interact, mobile data puts a menu of channels at their disposal. Answers, opens, and clicks are more likely to follow. Here are a few more statistics:

Why Mobile Data? Motive & Opportunity

Smartphone data can greatly enhance the way direct marketers generate leads – promoting new products and services that can be offered to business prospects and customers. Sales teams become more efficient, more responsive, and more valuable to the bottom line. The Boston Consulting Group survey found that mobile marketing and transaction not only accelerates time to purchase but also increases customer loyalty.

Mobile contact as a marketing channel is still relatively new to B2B direct marketers’ repertoire. Business to business mailing lists tend to include the usual selects such as company name, business address, revenue, contact name, contact title, company phone, SIC/NAICS, and so on. The availability of fresh, accurate mobile data can change that.

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