Type: Direct Mail List, Email List, Telemarketing List, Fax List
Reach businesses by Standard Industrial Classification System (SIC) Code. The D&B Businesses By SIC Code Masterfile is the largest and most comprehensive U.S. business database available, including over 20 million public and private businesses organized by the U.S. government’s SIC code system.
Segments | Counts |
Total Universe | 24,947,769 |
Business is always changing, so the D&B Businesses By SIC Code Masterfile database is continuously updated. Compiled sources undergo strict monthly monitoring to ensure freshness and accuracy. The result is a mailing list featuring high levels of deliverability and response.
As you would expect from the worldwide leader in business intelligence, Dun & Bradstreet business mailing lists make a comprehensive choice of demographic, firmographic and contact selects available. Business to business direct marketers will therefore find many effective ways to target public and private owned U.S. businesses.
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