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Churches, Synagogues, Temples, Mosques From D&B

Type: Direct Mail List, Email List, Telemarketing List, Fax List

This is the largest and most comprehensive database of U.S. houses of worship available. Choose from a wide variety of multi-denominational demographic and institutional selects. Sources undergo strict monthly monitoring for freshness and accuracy.

Segments Counts
Total Universe 328,006


Realtors, Chambers of Commerce and religious institutions looking to grow may benefit from this database. The file compliments available databases of new homeowners/movers and those who are re-locating, as well as fundraising and donor databases. These are among the most fertile groups for outreach. Houses of worship can welcome those in search of a spiritual home with invitations to visit, and make a personal connection. Sources undergo strict monthly monitoring by Dun & Bradstreet to ensure freshness and accuracy.

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