Better Research with UCC Data
UCC is the Best Data for Historic Information of Loans to Businesses
Our UCC Database contains data from over
36+ million UCC secured loan filings over five decades. Gain the ability to identify and highlight all business borrowing behavior through filings that document lender positions and debtor obligations of business borrowing in the U.S.
Discounted Pricing for
Academic Researchers!
With over 28+ years in the business supplying quality data, you can trust us for your important research. Our UCC file is the best data for historic information of loans to businesses. Contact us today to learn how you can obtain the entire UCC list at a discounted price.
Contact us for more information today.
Get Access to the UCC Data You Need
You know how important precise data is in research. Academic research projects call for accurate information. With the gathering and analysis of the right data, your work advances the knowledge in your field.
Our UCC Database contains data from over 36+ million UCC secured loan filings over five decades. Gain the ability to identify and highlight all business borrowing behavior through filings that document lender positions and debtor obligations of business borrowing in the U.S.
UCC financing statements are entered in individual states, which would typically make for a time-consuming process of data collection. However, our UCC Database is a comprehensive resource that offers immediate, streamlined access to filings from all 50 states, freeing up your time to put more focus on research.
The Key Data That’s Available To You:
• Business to Business
• Entire full file with over 36+ Million records from 1976-Present
• Descriptions of collateral pledged
• Complete details on the debtors
• Complete details on secured party
• All Elements including:
SIC/NAICS, # of Employees, Sales Volume, Years in Business, Minority Owned,
Collateral Codes, Company Lender Name, and more.
Purchase quality data products and solutions for your research today!
Allow To Be Of Service
For assistance with exploring and obtaining UCC data,
or place orders, please call at (914) 533-1931,
or send email to: [email protected]
We look forward to being your go to source for the finest data for your research.