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Email Appends. First Step Or Finishing Touch? Yes.

The Importance Of Email Appends

Posted by Steven Sheck, President, Infinite Media

March 12, 2019

Email Appends Provide The Missing Link

Quite often, businesses have data for physical residences and businesses. They may have demographic, firmographic and even psychographic data. But they may lack one of the most robust bits of data in today’s direct marketing landscape: an email address. Email appends enable a vital channel for agile marketers to reach out in a timely and cost effective way.

Working with a qualified mailing list broker who has a demonstrated ability to match meaningful quantities of email addresses to incomplete records is the solution.

What match rate can be expected? A reasonable range for successfully appending verified email addresses to existing records is between 15-30%. Match rates as high as 50% can be achieved depending on the freshness and detail of the existing contact data provided.

Let’s not forget another reason to append email addresses to customer and prospect records: data decay. Old or non-deliverable emails on a list can harm sender reputation and cut off a valuable avenue for outreach. As people move, change jobs or use new email services, the rate of change of email addresses can be surprisingly high, as much as 20% or more annually for business addresses.

Use Reverse To Move Forward

Conversely, many records begin with capturing an email address. This is often the result of registering on a site or enabling a download. The challenge is not to demand too much data from visitors, which can be off putting. However, for direct marketers who understand the importance of multiple touchppints, this is the beginning of a quest to complete the customer record.

The process of filling in the data blanks is known as reverse email append. For those who are familiar with it, reverse email append is a valuable tool. For those who are not, it is a must have tool for growth. Reverse email append services enable richer interactions and therefore more opportunities to close. Poviders will often bundle data together, such as consumer (first name, last name, postal address, own/rent, etc.) or business (postal address, top contact, years in business, annual revenue, etc.)

Once again the key is to work with a mailing list broker that has access to an ironclad source of demographic, firmographic and psychographic data to append. Particularly for B2B append services, a partner with open access to a deep resource such as Dun & Bradstreet is ideal.

Why Email Marketing Is So Important
  • Estimates of active email accounts worldwide approach 6 billion. That’s a big list.
  • As mobile devices become ubiquitous, email is being checked wherever the user is.
  • Email performs better than social media for acquisition and retention of customers.
  • Sending email campaigns to large audiences is uniquely cost effective.
  • Email is easily segmented and personalized, for a more credible, intimate conversation.
  • Email prompts immediate action by the recipient; opens, click, calls, etc.
  • Detailed analysis can be done quickly, enabling agile assessment and adjustment.

Freshness, reach, low cost, agility, engagement and reputation, are reasons enough to use email append. The best providers are sophisticated and experienced, meaning email append should be a key component of every direct mail marketer’s plan for growth.

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