Million Dollar Portfolios Postal & Email D/B
Highly liquid individual investors that have an investment portfolio of $1,000,000 net minimum value. Their assets are producing income from stocks, bonds, real estate ventures and business partnerships just to name a few.
This unique file can be used by financial services professionals searching for those select individuals who have the liquidity and cash flow to invest in a multitude of interesting investment programs. Our experience also leads us to recommend this file for upscale investment seminars, money management, real estate development projects, asset acquisition programs, oil and gas, private equity investment opportunities, retirement / financial planning, portfolio diversification, etc., using a direct mail or telemarketing strategy.
Million Dollar Portfolios Postal & Email D/B
Highly liquid individual investors that have an investment portfolio of $1,000,000 net minimum value. Their assets are producing income from stocks, bonds, real estate ventures and business partnerships just to name a few.
This unique file can be used by financial services professionals searching for those select individuals who have the liquidity and cash flow to invest in a multitude of interesting investment programs. Our experience also leads us to recommend this file for upscale investment seminars, money management, real estate development projects, asset acquisition programs, oil and gas, private equity investment opportunities, retirement / financial planning, portfolio diversification, etc., using a direct mail or telemarketing strategy.
Average Age – 40-69
Median Age – 54
Average Household Income – $150,000
Minimum Investment Portfolio – $1,000,000
Continuation usage is available upon request.
This file has been serving the direct marketing community since 1975. Nationally recognized mailers have been using this file for decades and we look forward to assisting your company or your client’s business in moving forward with their marketing efforts.
Fill out the form below and we will be in touch!
for High-Quality Leads
Universe Rate / Total Universe | $125.00/M | 955,912 |
Monthly Hotline | + $20.00/M | |
Telemarketing | $300.00/M | |
$150.00/M | 148,895 |
List Contacts
Jeffrey Hudes | List Manager | [email protected] | 914-948-8300 ext 125 | (914) 949-1605 |
Becky Santaniello | Senior LIst Manager | [email protected] | 914-948-8300 ext 129 | (914) 949-1605 |