Financial Planning Investors Network
ADMS’ proprietary Financial Planning Investor Network investor list gives the Financial Planning marketer access to a unique universe of qualified individual investors identified as needing comprehensive financial planning services and money management services.
Financial Planning Investors Network
The Financial Planning Investors Network is the proprietary investor file from ADMS. This financial planning investors list gives the financial planning marketer access to a unique universe of qualified individual investors identified as needing comprehensive financial planning services and money management services.
The active investors within this financial planning marketing list are specifically profiled for the financial services industry professional and can be further targeted with geographic and demographic selectivity.
Financial Planning Investors List Key Demographics:
Age Range: 35-59
Median Age: 47
Estimated Average Household Income: $110,000
These investors span two major cohorts. They include those in the peak formative years of their wealth building and retirement plans. Also, they include those in the crucial pre-retirement years. They need all the advice and tools they can find to ensure that they can achieve their goals. They need to raise their families, purchase homes, plan for college, set aside funds for for retirement. On the way to accomplishing those things, they want to be able to have a taste of the good life, with all the opportunities for marketing that brings.
Note: Continuation usage of the Financial Planning Investors Network list is available upon request.
This proprietary financial planning investors list has been serving the direct marketing community since 1975. Nationally recognized mailers have been using this file for decades. We look forward to assisting your company or your client’s business in moving forward with their financial planning marketing efforts.
Fill out the form below and we will be in touch!
for High-Quality Leads
Universe Rate / Total Universe | $125.00/M | 1,539,442 |
Financial Planning Network | $125.00/M | 1,539,002 |
Telemarketing | $300.00/M |
List Contacts
Jeffrey Hudes | List Manager | [email protected] | 914-948-8300 ext 125 | (914) 949-1605 |
Becky Santaniello | Senior LIst Manager | [email protected] | 914-948-8300 ext 129 | (914) 949-1605 |